Title IX | Williston State College

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Title IX

What is Title IX?

Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 states, "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." Sexual harassment, which includes acts of sexual violence, is a form of sexual discrimination prohibited by Title IX.  

冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Sexual Violence Prevention Program

冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Code of Conduct


Title IX Policy: See Section:520 in the Institutional Policies document on cqhmmg.com/about/Leadership

What is Considered Sexual Misconduct Under Title IX?

It is not your responsibility to determine whether an incident qualities as a Title IX case. If you witness or hear any of the following you should immediately file a Title IX complaint:
  • Sexual Assault
  • Non-Consensual Sexual Acts
  • Relationship Violence
  • Sexual Misconduct
  • Hostile Environment
  • Bullying and Cyber Bullying
  • Gender Stereotyping
  • Dating Violence
  • Stalking
  • Date Rape
  • Sexual Exploitation
  • Quid Quo Pro - Requests or demands a sexual act in return for giving the person something. For example: promotion or raise that is contingent upon a sexual favor

Why Should I Report?

冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 is committed to providing a welcoming educational environment free from all types of discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct. Awareness of these types of incidents allows the College to promptly respond to eliminate the behavior, prevent its recurrence, address its effects and inform you of available services.

What Can I Do?

Do not ignore it. Address unwanted contact or discrimination immediately. 
Say no or intervene. Tell the person that the conduct is unwelcome. Tell them to stop, if comfortable with doing so. Intervene and ask one of the parties if they need a ride.
Tell someone. If you are a student, faculty, or staff member, report immediately. If you prefer to speak confidentially go to the 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Counseling in Stevens Hall. 
Not sure if it is an issue? Report all potential concerns of sexual misconduct and/or discrimination.  

What Kinds of Reports are Accepted?

Formal Report: A formal report is an official means for 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 students and employees to notify the institution of sexual misconduct and/or discriminatory behaviors. You should file a report even if you were not directly involved in the incident but witnesses/heard about the incident.   

Anonymous Report: Anonymous reports are accepted under Title IX; however, the ability of 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 to investigate and resolve anonymous reports will be limited if the information contained in the anonymous report cannot be verified by independent facts. When in doubt, please call, stop by, or email.   

How Do I File a Report?

You can submit the report in variety of ways:

New ATIXA Title IX Team Training

34 CFR Part 106.45(b)(10) requires all ATIXA training materials to be posted publicly.

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Your right is a right of inspection and review of the materials on this site, only. No other right is granted beyond viewing. You are not authorized to copy, use, adapt, save, repost, share publicly, or alter any contents from this site. You are not permitted to use the materials on this site for training, or for any commercial purpose. Any such use will result in damages equivalent to the full-per-head registration costs to the applicable ATIXA training, plus damages for reputational harm to ATIXA, in addition to any copyright infringement fines and/or penalties.

Proceeding to use and access the content on this page demonstrates your acceptance and understanding of these terms and conditions. To contact ATIXA with questions about any of the contents of this site, please email info@atixa.org.

Investigator I – May 2018
Investigator II – April 2022
Investigator III – May 2019
Title IX Coordinator and Administrator Training & Certification Level One Course September 2020
Coodinator II training - June 2022
Section 504 - December 2020
Athletic Training & Certification - December 2020
Gender Identity in the college setting - 2022
SPOO or not SPOO - 2022

All Employee Training
Mandatory Reporter Training
Other Title IX Training
Advanced Investigator Training
The Title IX Team maintains their ATIXA certification training through TNG Consulting.

Local Services

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Local Services
冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Counseling | Stevens Hall, 130

冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Campus Security | On-Site Campus Security

Williston Police Department | 223 E Broadway #201
911 (emergency)
701.577.1212 (non-emergency)
CHI St. Alexius Health - Williston Medical Center, 24/7 | 1301 15th Ave West
Northwest Human Service Center | 316 2nd Ave West 
Mental health agency in Williston
FirstLink National Hotline | 24/7 located out of Fargo, ND
Free listening, support, and suicide prevention. 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Counseling phone forwards to this number after hours, on holidays, and weekends.
1.800.273.TALK (8255)  
Family Crisis Shelter Program | 723 Main St
Domestic Abuse Treatment Center in Williston
701.572.0757 (Preferred call first)
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) - CHI St. Alexius Health Williston Medical Center | 1301 15th Avenue West

Great Plain's Women's Health | 1700 11th St. W.

Trinity Community Clinic | 1321 W Dakota Pkwy

冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Title IX Contacts

Megan Kasner | Title IX Coordinator
Stevens Hall, 105
p. 701.774.4295

All Title IX reports may be submitted to the OCR without going through the 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Title IX Officials. 
U.S. Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights
Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Bldg
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-1100

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